As individuals our relationship templates (how one should be treated and how one could then treat others) are laid down in our developmental years…
The goals of therapy here at Melbourne Dynamic Therapy encompass not only relief from acute symptoms, but also freedom from long-standing deep-rooted patterns of self-sabotage.
We focus on relief of emotional difficulties by using precise interventions that rest on a thorough understanding of behavioural & emotional health, personality and individual differences.
Integrative individual therapy is a progressive form of psychotherapy that combines different therapeutic tools and approaches to fit the needs of the individual client. With an understanding of normal human development, as integrative therapists we modify standard treatments to fill in development gaps that affect each client in different ways.
By combining elements drawn from different schools of psychological theory and research, integrative therapy becomes a more flexible and inclusive approach to treatment than more traditional, singular forms of psychotherapy.
In establishing a healthy working alliance we work together for you to experience increased emotional freedom, enriched interpersonal relationships, and heightened mental functioning.