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Psychodynamic Counselling and Psychotherapy Service in Stonnington

Treatment for Anxiety

Treatment for Somatic Symptoms

Treatment for Depression

Treatment for Personality Disorders

The goal of psychotherapy is much broader than treating symptoms. It's to know ourselves more fully, become more whole, to be able to live our lives more richly and fully. We think when most people think about psychotherapy, that's what they have in mind.

Our Philosophy

To go with our clients beyond the initial understanding associated with a correct “diagnosis”.

To discover together the essence of the problem which often lies in the subtleties of attitudes, feared risks, and hidden needs within the person.

For some, psychotherapy is a job. For us, it’s a passion.

We feel privileged to share our clients stories and witness transformation in individuals, relationships, and families.

We believe that just coming to therapy, for most, is an act of profound courage.

Good therapy means not only helping people change what they can change, it may sometimes require the capacity to simply sit with them in the face of circumstances beyond their control.

We believe that there is hope for results in therapy to go beyond mere “coping.”

In many cases, deep and lasting healing is truly possible.

Erica Hannagan Counsellor & Psychotherapist 2021

We are a Relational Practice offering patients original (no one size fits all) and thoroughly interactive models for healing where we are always listening with openness and curiosity. We explain to our patients the purpose of our work and how together we might meet their goals. Most of all we aim to help our patients to live fully and securely in the present, free of symptoms like depression, hopelessness, flashbacks, anxiety, fears and phobias, fears of abandonment and/or closeness. This is the reason patients choose Melbourne Dynamic Therapists over other therapists. Good therapy works!

Quote of the week

“I believe a different therapy must be constructed for each patient because each patient has a different story. The most important thing is to figure out what is the most important thing.”

~ Shunryu Suzuki, 1970.

Our Mission

To always maintain the autonomy of our patients, therapy must always be based on what they want for themselves.

Therapy goes best when patients understand the process, and we bring as much honesty and directness to our work as we can.

To respect the diversity of our patients in terms of race, culture, sexuality, religious beliefs or lack thereof, etc.

While we can’t be an expert on anyone else’s experience, we believe in continuing to educate ourselves in order to better understand specific stresses and challenges faced by different groups.

Research shows that the most effective therapists spend more time outside of session time honing their skills. For this reason, we are committed to regular practice in the form of consultation, self-supervision, and skill practice.

Our patients typically need effective help for problems like these…

…It’s not always easy to identify a specific problem to work on, we’re here to help.

Start getting the help you need

Emotions Dysregulation

Generalised Anxiety

Social Anxiety

Depressed Moods

Feelings of Hopelessness

Experiencing Shame

Anger and Acting Out

Trauma History


Substance Misuse

Problem Relationships


Lack of capacity for Closeness


Feelings of Abandonment

Life Transitions

Grief & Loss


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